Sennheiser EK6042 Rx

Sennheiser EK 6042 Dual-Channel Slot-Mount Wireless Receiver

Two-channel slot-in receiver. Can connect to Sennheiser analogue HDX and HiDyn+ systems as well as D6000/9000 systems. Switching bandwidth of 184 MHz and built in convenient functions for a fully automated setup.

The EK 6042 is a true diversity two channel receiver. It is designed to fit into all standard receiver slots on cameras. The EK 6042 is a true diversity two channel receiver. It is designed to fit into all standard receiver slots on cameras. Its highly compatible to a wide range of Sennheiser wireless microphones be it analog or digital and can connect to Sennheiser wireless system including EW G3, EW G4, 2000 series, 3000/5000 series and digital 6000 and 9000 series. With the built-in web server, setup is easily managed using any browser including imports and exports of the entire configuration. The EK 6042 is SuperSlot™-compatible and works seamlessly with your existing equipment. Same for ARRI, Panasonic and Sony. The optional accessories like backpanel adapter and battery pack makes it possible to use the EK 6042 stand alone as well. The automatic configuration makes it possible to set up any microphone in less than 5 seconds.

  • For Analog & Digital Sennheiser Wireless

  • For Camera Slots and Various Adapters

  • 2-Channel, True-Diversity Receiver

  • 184 MHz Ultrawide Tuning Range

  • Analog and Digital Audio

  • Auto Configuration & Scene Setup

  • Built-In Web Server

DIVERSITYYes, True Diversity
MAX OPERATING RANGENot Specified by Manufacturer
RECEIVER TYPE1x Slot-Mount Receiver Module
RF FREQ BAND470 to 654 MHz
LATENCY1.5 to 3 ms
RECEIVER TYPE1x Slot-Mount Receiver Module
MOUNTING OPTIONSENG Camera Slot, Sound Bag Frame
ANTENNA2x Removable Flexible Whip (Top-Mount)
AUDIO I/O1x TA5M/Mini-XLR 5-Pin Balanced Output
SLOT MOUNT I/O ADAPTERSDB-25 (Uni/SuperSlot), DE-15/DB-15 (Sony Type), XLR 5-Pin
USB1x Micro-USB Female (Host Connection)
FREQ RESPONSE20 Hz to 20 kHz ±1.5 dB
WEIGHT12 oz / 340 g

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